Breaking Boundaries: ProAct News & Media on Social Change

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Derrin Slack

Welcome to the Team, Mya!

Committed to our mission to stand in the gap for vulnerable populations while empowering youth to actively transform their communities, we pride ourselves on being an organization that is deeply committed to its people. At ProAct, we have a diverse and innovative team of individuals who share a similar passion and dedication towards the youth we serve.
From our leadership to our board and each person involved, our goal is to provide an exceptional experience that will have a lasting impact that extends far beyond the service projects and workshops we initiate. To this end, we are excited to add Miss Mya Miller to the team as our newest Community Impact Concierge! Mya did such a great job in planning and coordinating our Youth Empowerment Camp this summer, that we were ecstatic to learn of her interest in this new role. Read below to hear from Mya in her own words.

My name is Mya Miller and I am one of ProAct Indy’s newest Community Impact Concierges. I strive to make a positive social change within my community and help others in any way I can. I was recently asked the question: What does community service mean to you? I answered this question by stating that community service to me is an honor in the sense that it gives you opportunities to not only connect but build relationships with others you may have not had the chance to. Community service is also a way to find yourself while being able to impact others. Some of the ways in which I serve is to follow a couple of my passions in life revolving around empowering youth and women!

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ProAct Welcomes Two New Board Members!

Our board of directors is comprised of a dynamic group of professionals who are passionate about the ProAct’s mission. They actively commit the time, talent, and resources necessary to influence the lives of Indiana’s future leaders who are equipped with the 21st-Century Skills to adapt and improve upon the modern work environment.
Joining Jeb Banner, Audrey Ballard, Bob Kort, Bob Millard, and Alaric Aloor are Mary Ann Sullivan and Elizabeth Vincent. Read about their impressive careers below.

Mary Ann Sullivan

Mary Ann Sullivan has worked to improve public education for more than thirty years. She recently served as an at-large commissioner and president of the IPS school board. Her experiences there led her to become a mentor and coach for school board members from other cities interested in transforming districts by disrupting inequitable policies and practices to improve student outcomes

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Announcement Regarding COVID-19 from ProAct Indy

Dear Friends, As we navigate through these unprecedented times surrounding the COVID 19 crisis we want to update you on plans from the ProAct team.

As of March 12, 2020, ProAct staff has been working from home and will be until at least April 7, 2020 as directed by the Indiana state government leaders and CDC guidelines. In the interim, we will leverage our resources, online platforms, and volunteer network to help distribute meals to children and families in need throughout the city of Indianapolis as well as offer our volunteer management and project facilitation support to nonprofits who need warm bodies to meet the needs of their community.

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Alaric Aloor & Bob Millard Join Board of Directors

“The swiftest way to triple your success is to double your investment in personal development.” – Robin Sharma

ProAct believes that appropriate team member vetting, selection, onboarding and ongoing training promotes a culture of trust, responsibility, loyalty, job satisfaction, and ultimately, organizational success. Therefore, we are working more conscientiously than ever to build the competence and professionalism of ProAct Indy, knowing that the stronger our organization is internally, the greater our impact will be.

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ProAct Welcomes New Board Members

“We grow because we struggle, we learn and overcome.” R.C. Allen

We are excited to welcome four new members to join and rebuild the ProAct Board of Directors to lead the organization through an important phase in its evolution. Growing from serving 2,003 people in 2017 to serving over 10,000 people in 2018, presented many operational concerns – concerns organizational leadership has worked diligently to resolve over the course of the last several months. So we are grateful and excited to have this new, diverse group of individuals join the board and bring their unique talents, expertise, and perspectives to the work of the organization’s impact in order to further our vision to create true servant leaders with an appreciation for diversity and equity. This effective group of business and community leaders has over 90 years of experience in leading teams, creating financial sustainability, developing systems of accountability, and furthering the missions of reputable organizations. We trust this team to help ProAct take advantage of its capacity building opportunities. Below are bios of each of our new members (if you are interested in serving on our board of directors, please email Derrin Slack at

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