Breaking Boundaries: ProAct News & Media on Social Change

To The Lawrence Community Football League Service Program Participants and Volunteers - ProAct Indy

Written by proact | August 17, 2012 9:04:47 PM Z
Greetings Parent Volunteers and Participants, 

Tomorrow, Saturday August 18, 2012 marks the beginning of our community service program for this season of the Lawrence Community Football League. We will be having a meeting tomorrow night from 5:00pm-6:30pm at the Sterretts Center (8950 Otis Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46236)  which will detail the mission of this organization as well as give a better idea as to how the events will occur. Get excited as we will also define “Service” and what it means to us as individuals as well as a group and Dinner will be provided! 

Main Objectives of the Meeting
1. Introduce Pro(ACT) Community Partnerships, Inc. 
2. Define Service 
3. Eat Dinner
4. Explain Logistics (Waivers, T-shirt Forms, Events) 
5. Guest Speaker

Note: If you do not have a waiver filled out, your child or participant cannot participate in the service activities. Also all participants who have paid their $10.00 Fee will fill out a t-shirt form so that we can order the right size t-shirt. If you are an adult volunteer you may purchase a t-shirt for $10.00 as well. 

Looking Forward to Seeing you!!!!

Pleas RSVP by email or phone to the following contacts: 
Phone: 3174031154

Kala M. Dickerson 
Program Director